Best Big Paintball Script Pastebin – 100% Working

Big Paintball Script Pastebin serves as a game-changer for Roblox enthusiasts who are constantly seeking ways to enhance their gameplay. 

Reaching the goal of unlocking every gun and gaining access to aimbots can help you become a better player, regardless of experience level.

In 2024, let’s go out on a quest to discover the mysteries of the big paintball script Pastebin.

Big paintball script pastebin

The Development of Big Paintball Script Pastebin

Big Paintball Script Pastebin has changed significantly over time, according to the shifting online gaming scene.

Its powers have increased dramatically, ranging from simple scripts to complex algorithms, giving players unmatched advantages in combat.

Using Roblox’s Power

Roblox offers a dynamic platform that allows players to let their imaginations run wild and submerge themselves in a variety of virtual environments.

Players can now dominate opponents with ease and take their Roblox experience to new heights thanks to the big paintball script Pastebin.

Unlock All Firearms Feature

The big paintball script Pastebin’s feature of being able to easily unlock all firearms is one of its most sought-after attributes.

Bid farewell to tiresome grinding and welcome to a vast array of weaponry at your command. The options range from handguns to rocket launchers.

Optimizing Firepower

Players may obtain an abundance of firepower by utilizing the “unlock all guns” function, which provides them with a distinct advantage in every battle.

For optimal adaptability on the battlefield, there is a weapon for every playstyle, be it close-quarters fighting or long-range sniping.

Accepting the Aimbot Advantage

Accuracy is critical in professional gameplay, and the big paintball script Pastebin’s aimbot function excels in this regard.

Players may remove opponents with surgical precision by having their targets automatically lock onto them with pinpoint accuracy, making every shot a work of art.

Precision Personified

The days of aimless shooting and passing up chances are long gone. Every shot matters because of the aimbot function, which lets players track and kill enemies with unmatched accuracy.

With the help of the aimbot script, you can control the battlefield skillfully regardless of your skill level as a tactical planner or sniper.

Improving Tactical Awareness

The aimbot function goes beyond simply aiming to improve players’ tactical awareness by giving them important information about the positions and actions of their opponents.

Players may win every battle by using this knowledge to predict their opponents’ moves and outmaneuver them with strategic accuracy.

Get Your Premium Big Painball Script Pastebin Here:

Script 1:

repeat task.wait() until game:IsLoaded()
if not hookmetamethod then game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick('your exploit is not supported') end

local players = game:GetService('Players')
local RunService = game:GetService('RunService')
local Teams = game:GetService('Teams')
local user_input_service = game:GetService('UserInputService')
local workspace = game:GetService('Workspace')

local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local wtvp = camera.WorldToViewportPoint
local localplayer = players.LocalPlayer

local function indexExists(object, index)
local _, value = pcall(function() return object[index] end)
return value

local function get_character(player) return indexExists(player, 'Character') end

local function get_mouse_location() return user_input_service:GetMouseLocation() end

local function is_alive(player) return player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and player.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid').Health > 0 end
local function is_team(player) return #Teams:GetChildren() > 0 and player.Team == localplayer.Team end

local function getClosestPlayerToCursor(fov)

local maxDistance = fov or math.huge

local closestPlayer = nil
local closestPlayerDistance = math.huge

for _, player in pairs(players:GetPlayers()) do

if player ~= localplayer and not is_team(player) and get_character(player) and is_alive(player) then
local pos, on_screen = wtvp(camera, get_character(player).Head.Position)

if not on_screen then continue end

local distance = (get_mouse_location() -, pos.Y)).magnitude

if distance <= maxDistance and distance < closestPlayerDistance then
closestPlayer = player
closestPlayerDistance = distance

return closestPlayer

shared.fov = 400
local circle ='Circle')
circle.Thickness = 2
circle.NumSides = 12
circle.Radius = shared.fov or 400
circle.Filled = false
circle.Transparency = 1
circle.Color =, 0, 0.384313)
circle.Visible = true
local target = nil
task.wait(deltaTime ^ 2)
target = getClosestPlayerToCursor(shared.fov)
circle.Position = get_mouse_location()

local OldNamecall
OldNamecall = hookmetamethod(workspace, '__namecall', newcclosure(function(...)
local args = { ... }
local method = string.lower(getnamecallmethod())
local caller = getcallingscript()
if method == 'findpartonraywithwhitelist' and tostring(caller) == 'First Person Controller' then

local HitPart = target and target.Character and target.Character.Head or nil
if HitPart then
local Origin = HitPart.Position +, 5, 0)
local Direction = (HitPart.Position - Origin)
args[2] =, Direction)

return OldNamecall(unpack(args))
return OldNamecall(...)
return OldNamecall(...)

Script 2:


Script 3:


Script 4:

loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()

Script 5:

local library = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Library)

local env = getsenv(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.Scripts.Game["First Person Controller"])

local unlock_all = true

--// Gun Bypass

local old_fire = library.Network.Fire

library.Network.Fire = newcclosure(function(self, ...)

local args = {...}

if unlock_all and tostring(self) == "Request Respawn" then

args[1] = "1"


return old_fire(self, unpack(args))


local old_own = env.DoesOwnGun

env.DoesOwnGun = function(...)

return (unlock_all and true) or old_own(...)



--// Unlock All

local old_own_gun = library.GunCmds.DoesOwnGun

library.GunCmds.DoesOwnGun = newcclosure(function(self, ...)

return (unlock_all and true) or old_own_gun(self, ...)



--// Unlock Offsale

for _, gun in next, library.Directory.Guns do

gun["offsale"] = false



Script 6:

local library = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Library)

local env = getsenv(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.Scripts.Game["First Person Controller"])

local unlock_all = true

--// Gun Bypass

local old_fire = library.Network.Fire

library.Network.Fire = newcclosure(function(self, ...)

local args = {...}

if unlock_all and tostring(self) == "Request Respawn" then

args[1] = "1"


return old_fire(self, unpack(args))


local old_own = env.DoesOwnGun

env.DoesOwnGun = function(...)

return (unlock_all and true) or old_own(...)



--// Unlock All

local old_own_gun = library.GunCmds.DoesOwnGun

library.GunCmds.DoesOwnGun = newcclosure(function(self, ...)

return (unlock_all and true) or old_own_gun(self, ...)



--// Unlock Offsale

for _, gun in next, library.Directory.Guns do

gun["offsale"] = false



Script 7:


Script 8:


Script 9:


Script 10:


If I use the big paintball script Pastebin, will I be banned?

Although it is possible to break Roblox’s terms of service by employing third-party scripts, the administrators of the site have the final say over whether or not to ban users.

Use caution and responsible scripting to prevent unintended consequences.

How should the big paintball script Pastebin be installed?

Find a reliable source and carefully follow the directions provided to install the big paintball script Pastebin.

Make sure the script is legitimate to steer clear of fraud and harmful spyware.

Are aimbots in Big Paintball undetectable?

Even while aimbots are meant to function covertly, there’s always a chance that they’ll be discovered, particularly if they’re utilized carelessly or improperly.

To reduce the likelihood of being discovered, play strategically, maintain vigilance, and give fair play priority.

Is it possible to alter the aimbot’s settings?

You could have the ability to alter the aimbot’s sensitivity, targeting preferences, and activation toggles, depending on the features included in the script.

Try out several configurations to see which one best fits your playing style.

Is there anything morally wrong with utilizing a big paintball script Pastebin?

The use of third-party scripts presents moral dilemmas for sportsmanship and fair play.

Even while there can be short-term benefits, it’s important to follow the values of honesty and respect and think about how it will affect the gaming community as a whole.

How can I keep up with the most recent changes to the Big Paintball Script Pastebin?

Be sure to follow Roblox scripting-related Discord channels, online groups, and forums to stay up to date on the newest advancements in big paintball script Pastebin.

Talk to other fans, exchange ideas, and keep an eye out for patches and updates.


Big Paintball Script Pastebin transforms the game industry by providing players with never-before-seen benefits and chances to become experts.

Through the unlocking of every gun and the utilization of aimbots, players may achieve unprecedented levels of gaming proficiency, eliminating opponents with dexterity and skill.

Remember to play fairly, enjoy the rush of competition, and game responsibly as you set off on your adventure with a big paintball script Pastebin.